As for automation systems, each solution, construction engineering is complemented by an electrical part.

R.S.SISTEMI, using a technical study to your extension, design automated systems with the most popular, so as to ensure the customer a graphics interchange that meets in full the required specifications.

The projects use a CAD application recognized around the world: "Spac Automazione CAD".
This CAD application provides all documentation, at every stage, for the construction of plants for Industrial Automation.

In particular in the electrical design of the automation systems are developed various documents including:
- Wiring diagrams
- Function diagrams
- Synoptic Drawings
- Terminal Drawings
- Constructive Drawings of the carpentries
- Drawings devices disposition
- Analysis and design of cabinets fronts and devices disposition
- Drawings of plants and plant particulars with components disposition on the machine
- Devices list and specifications of materials
- Temperature-rise limits computation
- Testing and inspection's documentation