

The R.S.SISTEMI, thanks to a decade of experience in industrial automation, has realized several projects in which it has used the latest technology components. Some of these components have also started to trade for the very reason that they are extremely reliable and widely used in our projects.

In addition to technological hardware components have also developed several software packages for many applications not only related to industrial automation.




R.S. SISTEMI SRL - Via per Sassuolo, 3855 - 41058 Vignola (MO) - P.IVA e C.F.: 02897530362 - Tel.: +39 059 766 250 - Fax: +39 059 770 0265 - E-mail: - Pec: - R.E.A. nr: 340495 - Reg. Imprese di Modena nr: 02897530362 - Capitale Sociale 60.000 interamente versato - Stato attività: attiva

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